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Mama Maddie's Mystics

Empathy - Grounding, Emotional Balance & Protection

Empathy - Grounding, Emotional Balance & Protection

Regular price $14.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $14.00 USD
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*2oz and 4oz available*

Sage Sprays offer a convenient, smoke-free way to benefit from the ancient tradition to cleanse your space of negative energies.

I love cleansing my space and while I tend to prefer burning bundles, not everyone is a fan of the smoke. Sprays are perfect for that scenario! I use them in mixed company when I’m not sure of peoples preference, in public spaces, and it’s a great size to keep in the car! This blend has an emphasis on balancing, protecting and strengthening the emotional and mental bodies by activating and balancing the Third Eye and Crown Chakras.

🌿Sage - To deep cleanse a space of negative energy and raise the vibrations. Perfect for clearing anxious and sad feelings with its euphoric effects. It’s a third eye-opener that makes it supportive of empaths and developing intuition.

🌱Rosemary - An incredible oil that is known to be one of the most powerful on the planet. This is another protective oil; in that it protects from dark energy or psychic attack. Rosemary is also known to improve memory, and is good for lowering cortisol levels, that are often raised by Empath stress.

💜Lavender - Its sedative and tonic effects makes lavender an amazing balancer for the emotions. The aroma can instantly relax both body and mind and clear any negative energy that may have traveled home with you.

🧡Orange - Incredibly uplifting and revitalizing. This oil’s focus and alertness-promoting properties make it a wonderful tool. Gives a powerful sense of regeneration, optimism, and trust in the Universe and the path it has prepared for you.

🤍Frankincense - Great for head-clearing, cleansing and lightening your mood. This is the oil of truth, and it will reveal anything that is not of the truth or highest good. As empaths we have a tendency to always look for the best in people, when that may not be in our best interest. Frankincense helps to discern.

🔮Amethyst - Clarity, clairvoyance, protection, and peace

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